Learning Log

This log should be used to support planning for the assessed skill. It should be used to reflect on the learning that has taken place and the progress being made.

Number of participants: It can be used individually.

Duration: There is no specific duration. It can be used by the individual daily.

Objective: The aim is for the individuals to plan their assessed skills and reflect on their own learning.

How to conduct

The participant should enter on the log:

Day by day, the participant writes down the activities being carried out, the progress, what is held in a different way and whatever he/she feels it is important to mention.

Description of activities (including details of support and advice, and any revisions to the original plans) Date

Closing remarks

It is important to explain to the participant that it is of a high significance to be consistent and not to skip writing down the activities that seen as less important, as he/she can also learn something from these ones.


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