Presenting EntreComp

A group activity that promotes teamwork and creativity in finding a strategy to present the 15 competences of EntreComp. Each group of five elements will be responsible for one of the three EntreComp areas – Ideas and Opportunities, Resources, and Into Action. Learners will learn about the competences while preparing their part, and will also learn from the other colleagues, when they present their own.

Number of participants: 15

Duration: About 2h

Objective: Find a coherent strategy and format to have each group member presenting a competence from the EntreComp area the group is responsible for. Develop creative ideas, combine knowledge and resources to select one, work together under pressure to achieve a goal.

How to conduct

\1. Split the class into three groups of five people, each.

\2. Ask each group to pick one of the three EntreComp areas. You can also make it through sortition.

\3. Once participants have been attributed with an EntreComp area, they are to check the five competences that are part of that area and distribute them among the group members. Each group member must be attributed at least one competence.

\4. Each group should agree on a strategy and a format to present their set of competences. They are free to choose, and they should have in mind that there will be a maximum of 25 minutes allocated to the group (5 minutes per competence) for their presentation.

\5. All groups are given a one-hour slot time to prepare their presentations. There are no real limitations to the format they choose to use (ppt, role-play, poster, visual facilitation, etc.), as long as the competences are presented in an identifiable way.

\6. Give each group a maximum of 25 minutes to present their area’s competences. There is no single core competence in EntreComp and the competences are of equal importance. The competences are numbered to allow ease of reference, but the order in which they are presented does not imply a sequence in the acquisition. In this sense, there is no pre-defined order for presenting the areas.

\7. At the end, ask the question: “What does it mean to be entrepreneurial?”. Allow participants to discuss ideas of how to promote such kind of competences development in their classes, or about the proficiency levels that exist in the EntreComp. This should be a mild discussion, given the fact that the workshop time will probably be finishing.

Closing remarks

This exercise will allow learners to get familiar with the EntreComp Framework and its three competence areas. This will enable them to start imagining how they can organise and act in order to promote an Entrepreneurship competence-oriented approach. The idea is that they start building their vision and a strategy to embed entrepreneurship key competence development in their teaching practices.

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