Multiple intelligence test

Name of the Exercise Multiple intelligence test
Number of participants Unlimited
Duration 35 minutes
Objective To determine which type(s) of intelligence is/are best developed with each participant /trainee in order to adapt materials/exercises later on.
How to conduct it Operationalization:
Each participant is given a MI test to fill out.
There are many existing tests available, and they vary in length and way of interpretation. To this workshop, we have chosen two that take no longer than 20 minutes and the results are available within few minutes. This is not a scientific method to be taken very seriously, but rather a tool that facilitates the implementation of the general idea of this CU.
The results of the test are available within few minutes. Each participant will brief the rest on their own result.
Preparation: Prepare and print the MI test
Closing remarks The free tests are available in pdf as an attachment



MI quiz

Multiple Intelligence Survey

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