MMA Defects

Name of the Exercise MMA Welding – Typical Defects
Number of participants 4-8
Duration 60 minutes
Learning outcome Basic information about MMA including typical defects
How to conduct 1) Introducing MMA 2)The learners recieve a set of photos with typical MMA defects 3) They identify the discrepancies on the photos. (2-4 learners with one photo (with circles signing the locations on the photos but not naming the defect) try to figure out the reason of the defect. Share Their solutions are compared and analysed.
Remarks Download the presentation from here
The trainer shows the settings on the machine – polarity of the electrode and the amperage. After settings comes the proper start (dont burn on material how to restart after electrode diminishing). After showing the proper start the learners dress in, clean the materials and begin welding.

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