Learning Style Memory Exercise

Name of the Exercise Learning Style Memory Exercise (15 items)
Number of participants Max. 10
Duration 45 minutes
Objective This hands-on activity involves learners in learning and helps them to think about their learning style (in this case, participants of the ToT curriculum from the perspective of learners). It is a great way to introduce the idea of learning styles to learners. To begin, briefly introduce the concepts of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic/tactile learning.
How to conduct it Operationalization: Bring 15 items to class. Choose items that can be seen, heard and touched. Make sure you have a variety of shapes, sizes and colours. Place all of these items in a bag or a box. Bring each item out of the bag/box and pass it around in the class. Participants will have the opportunity to look at each item, feel it and hear it. Ask them to pass the items quickly. Tell participants that they will be asked to remember each of the items at the end of the exercise. When all of the items have been passed around and returned to the bag/box, have participants see if they can recall all of the items and write them down on a sheet of paper. To check the written lists, bring the items out of the bag/box again and set them on a table or desk. Then discuss the results asking following questions: What did you forget and why? How did you remember the items? What strategies did you use? Did it help you to remember the items if you could touch them? See them? Hear them? How many of you think you are kinaesthetic/tactile learners? Auditory learners? Visual learners? Was it more difficult to remember the unfamiliar items? How does your culture influence the items you remember? Preparation: Choose and prepare the 15 items and the bag/box
Closing remarks Interesting discussion about learning styles is generated by the above exercise. Many participants realize that they are kinaesthetic/tactile learners and can apply learning techniques related to this style, such as taking notes.

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