Knowing my capacity

An assessment process gives the opportunity to reflect about previous sessions and skills developed, and to assess their own performance as trainees. This activity should be implemented individually and, at the end, the facilitator will sum up the key points (common elements and significant remarks) of this process and present them to the plenary.

Number of participants: -

Duration: 60 minutes

Objective: Reflecting about previous sessions and skills developed and assessing one’s performance as a trainee. Gaining self-awareness.

How to conduct

The instructor draws the following template to a flipchart, and participants can transfer and fill it in on paper. It is important to catch the overall feeling and participants’ dynamics after all the sessions. Also a review of this session’s milestones could be very helpful for evaluation.

Step 1 (30 min): Each participant draws out the SWOT square. The idea here is to start filling all pieces of the SWOT analysis, thinking about his/ her performance during the sessions. Useful questions that can be implemented by facilitator:

- Do I realise my welding capacity?

- Can I support a welding activity in real life?

- Do I know my strengths and weaknesses

- Do I learn new things for myself?

- Do I know my possible resources for every step i need to take?

- Do I feel enriched and stronger?

- Do I cooperate efficiently with my partners?

- Are there any skills that I have to work more on?

Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats

The facilitator should discuss and explain all topics of this SWOT template, to make them clear and understandable to participants before they start to assess themselves.

Step 2 (30 min): Facilitators take all SWOTs from participants, take the most powerful elements (common thoughts, significant remarks etc) and present them to the plenary.

Closing remarks

The general direction is to go further after all this trial period to a realistic scenario.


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