Definition of an entrepreneurial teacher

This activity allows participants to think about the characteristics that are necessary to be an entrepreneur teacher in the classroom. It will allow them also to be empathic and to put them selves in the “shoes” of other person (a trainee, a member of the administration board…).

Number of participants: 10-20

Duration: 90-120 minutes

Objective: Define what is an entrepreneurial teacher

How to conduct

Note: Review the theme Presenting EntreComp, if applicable.

\1. The training room should be equipped with a black/whiteboard divided in two sections or use two flipcharts. Ask the question:

“What makes a teacher an entrepreneurial one?” and select two participants to write in the board(s) their findings regard the DOs and DON’Ts.

\2. Divide the group in two smaller groups, each group will design a roleplay on “What makes a teacher an entrepreneurial one?” but they need to incorporate some elements regarding both perspectives, on how to be and entrepreneurial teacher and not to be an entrepreneurial teacher. At least 4 members of the group need to participate in the roleplay. Participants need to choose the characters for the acting and a situation they can face in their professional life (e.g. inside the classroom, in a meeting with the administration board, planning an event with the community, etc.). This acting should take at least 10 minutes.

\3. After each roleplay performed facilitate a group discussion where you can launch the following questions:

- What were the characteristics of the entrepreneurial teacher identified in the role play? And the ones of on how not to be an entrepreneurial teacher?

- Regarding the negative characteristics, how would you have proceeded on that situation?

- How can the perspective on “not to be an entrepreneurial teacher” can be overcome?

- What have you learned with this exercise? Did the exercise motivated you to be more entrepreneur?

And others that you feel that need to be approached having in account the role plays that were performed.

Closing remarks

Role-play is any speaking activity when you either put yourself into somebody else's shoes, or when you stay in your own shoes but put yourself into an imaginary situation!

Incorporating role-play into the classroom adds variety, a change of pace and opportunities for a lot of language production and also a lot of fun! It is widely agreed that learning takes place when activities are engaging and memorable.



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