Different types of Gas

Name of the Exercise Different types of Gas
Number of participants Groups of 4 persons
Duration 1 hour
Objective A Problem-Based Learning exercise which purpose is the observation of macros obtained when welding with different types of shielding gas. More specifically, this exercise includes the identification of the weld characteristics associated with each type of protection gas used in welding (e.g. height and width of the weld, depths of welding, plus or minus projections of welding spatters, analysis of types of weld morphology).
How to conduct it To conduct this exercise, it will be necessary to have 3 macros of fillet welding joints, fabricated with different types of shielding gas.
This PBL has the following steps:
a. Presentation of the exercise’s subjects and themes to trainees,
b. Welding with different types of shielding gas,
c. Ask the groups to explore the macros previously provided,
d. Stress the fact that each macro was made with different kind of protection gas
e. Analyse and explore theoretical documentation about the effects of the protection gas in welding
f. Ask the groups to identify the type of gas used in each of the macros
g. Presentation of the results of the exercise
h. Comparative analysis between Trainees and Learners’ results
Based on the observation, instructions and documentation of the macros obtained when welding with different types of shielding gas, Trainees/Learners must:
- Identify the type of gas used in each of the 3 macros
- Present the conclusions and results of the exercise
Closing remarks This exercise can be carried out by Trainees with their learners.

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