

Policy recommendation document for the EWF Training System. Guidelines to promote a mindset change in the way training is delivered in the EWF Training System. This pedagogical guideline will ground the need for a WELDONE change in the EWF system, presenting it as the next step - following the step of adapting the EWF Training Guidelines to the Learning Outcomes Approach, which has been ongoing in the last few years.
This output will feed from the previous outputs.

This pedagogical guideline will be presented to EWF members in the General Assembly of EWF in 2021 and it will be sent to ANB (Authorised National Bodies) in all European countries to launch the discussion and start promoting the change.

This output will constitute a very innovative document in the very well-structured and traditional EWF system, thus facing a major challenge: to convince EWF members that the change is necessary and will lead to greater achievements from trainees in the EWF Qualification System - and, consequently, of European companies - and will improve the preparation to the labour market of whoever leaves the system with an EWF qualification.