Digital Competence

Assessment type Summative assessment
Assessment method/tool Matching Quiz
Operationalisation (what is being assessed and why, how to conduct it) Description of the method
This type of assessment could show to the trainers and to the trainees how much the trainees have learned. Could provide to the trainees the chance for more learning to take place, by reinforcing educational materials or by asking trainees to use or think about what they have learned in a new way. The trainees will receive a questionnaire with a specific number of multiple-choice questions.

The objectives of the assessment method
The questionnaire and the assessment itself should be designed taking care of the learning activities and the competences and should cover all educational materials.
1. Improve the ability to self-assess, in order to optimize the teaching and training work.
2. Improve the courage and ability to identify options and to choose among options.

When designing a new assessment or revising an old one, “the most important component is to be sure there is a match between the objectives of the unit/course/lesson being assessed, the teaching / learning activities used, and the assessment tool.
1. Theme:
Selecting the most appropriate digital tool and digital environment for a teaching / training session in a specific topic. The method can be used to assess if the trainees know how to find the most appropriate digital tool and the digital environment to teach a specific topic.

2. Conditions prior to the evaluation:
a. identification of the available digital tools and the digital environment types that can be used to teach a specific information.
b. dividing the amount of information to be taught in several modules or more, depending on the total amount of information.
c. defining specific performance criteria as reference for the assessment
d. starting the teaching and after each module prepare the self-assessment
e. assuring that all trainees have access to appropriate digital tools for the assessment implementation (Computer, phone, applications, etc.)

3. Implementation of the assessment
  • Trainer delivers the first amount of information using 1-2 digital tools;
  • Trainer creates an interactive questionnaire, having enough questions to cover almost all topics presented during the learning activity. The questions should have at least 4 answers each, and it is important to be decided if one answer, only, or many answers are correct. The questions and the answers could have text, images or formulas only, or mix of these;
  • Each question will receive a maximum number of points for the correct answers.
  • A minimum limit of points for passing the assessment should be set in the beginning and presented to the trainees before the assessment session;
  • A discussion on the results and comments on the correct answers will be done with the trainees. Each trainee is encouraged to make comments on the tools and to choose according to the best performance it might have.

  • The chosen tool could be differently accepted by other trainee, so centring the teaching on students is possible to find the best way to teach the information in order for it to be accepted by all students. The acceptance will differ, but it will exist for all students.
    Remarks The assessment could be transformed in a formative, as well, if necessary.


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