Personal - Social Competence

Assessment type Formative
Assessment method/tool Interview: Group Interview
Operationalisation (what is being assessed and why, how to conduct it) The interview could be defined as a brief structured discussion between the learner and the teacher or a group of learners and a teacher (Clark & Moss, 2010). Today, it is considered one of the most important methods widely used in various scientific fields to explore learner's thinking and assess learning (Dunphy, 2010).

The interview process as opposed to the open discussion requires organization, planning and specific purpose. Based on this, the teacher/trainer should design the questions, the order in which they will be presented to the group, the management of possible reactions of the individuals and the environment in which the interview will take place (Clark & Moss, 2010). Closed ended questions activate the memory more than the thinking and judgment of the learner and they are capable of only one correct answer. Instead, open-ended questions are open to many kinds of answers.

In any case, the trainer/teacher should be flexible and it is important that the interview takes place in a calm environment, in a friendly atmosphere that inspires confidence, security and willingness to speak.

The interview as an assessment tool can be used individually or with small groups. It is important that it takes place in a calm environment, in a friendly atmosphere that inspires confidence, security and willingness to speak. Open ended questions will preferably be used so that the learners can answer based on their complete knowledge, feeling, and understanding. 

  • Reflection on the learners’ feelings about the learning process
  • Assessment of the acquired theoretical and factual knowledge
  • Realisation of the skills enhanced
  • Expression of doubts and need for more information

  • The teacher/trainer gives the learners the questions that are listed below. Everyone needs to think and shortly write anonymously the answers in different post-it. After everyone has finished, the facilitator asks them to put the post-it on a board or a wall. The teacher/trainer reads aloud all the answers or some of them. A conversation follows.

    Open ended questions for reflection:
  • What skills/knowledge did you gain during the session(s)?
  • Are there new skills you can learn?
  • If you could go back in time, what would you do differently during the sessions?
  • On a scale from 1 to 10, where do you think you are standing right now regarding the skills and knowledge you were expected to gain in this unit?
  • Remarks This procedure can also be done individually with the learners, one by one, but it will be more time consuming and the dynamics of the team will not be easily seen.

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