New Media Didactics

Assessment type Formative assessment
Assessment method/tool Online quizzes – Fill In the Blank / Testmoz
Operationalisation (what is being assessed and why, how to conduct it) At the end of each workshop, learners solve online quizzes.
Example 1: Online quiz Fill in the Blank
The goal is to get feedback on the progress of each individual learner and the level of quality of the workshop. Learning outcome that is covered by this method:
  • Select data, information and content on social media to integrate them in training activities as part of learners’ routines

  • Procedure:
    1. Design questions.
    2. Access the digital tool Testmoz:
    3. By selecting the Make a Test field, teachers and users begin to build the Test.
    4. Enter and format questions.

    The question is added by clicking on Add new question. In the place marked with Type, it is necessary to select Fill in the blank, and the text of the question is formatted in the same way as the text Multiple Response. The same goes for assigning a point value. The places to be filled in can be marked with a line, questionnaires or other sign as desired. The answers are formed so that in the answer field all correct answers are written in capital letters, and incorrect ones in lower case. By selecting the Case sensitive grading option, the tool will take into account the answers regardless of the initial letter.
    Each answer is written in a separate field.
    When formatting is complete, the question needs to be saved to format the next one, so Save and Add New Question is selected.

    5. Completion of test design
    After all the questions have been formatted and saved, on the next page it is possible to change the text of the questions and points and delete or add questions.
    When the test formatting is complete, then you need to select Update and update everything. After the update, the test needs to be put to Publish and then it is ready to be solved.
    Learners need to be provided with technical requirements and share the test URL and password with them.
    Remarks The teacher can enter four types of questions in the quiz: True / False, multiple choice with one correct answer, multiple choice with multiple correct answers and filling in the blanks. It is possible to embed audio and video in the questions. In the free version the test can have up to 50 questions. It is possible to set an access password that learners must enter before joining the quiz, include a random sequence of questions and display the results, mark true and false answered questions and display the correct answer at the end of the quiz. The question can be marked as a non-scoring question, and it is also possible to define the number of points for each question. For answers, there is the possibility of random selection.

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