
Assessment type Process based assessment
Assessment method/tool Debate assessment
Operationalisation (what is being assessed and why, how to conduct it) The method is recommended for all learning outcomes in a train the trainer program, skills of complex decision making or the method of forming opinions can be assessed. Level of knowledge can be assessed too. Also, preparedness of applying different pedagogical methods to real situations can be assessed. At last, but not at least comprehensive thinking, empathy and rhetoric skills can also be assessed. Sometimes they are questions - mostly a choice between two options, sometimes they are thought provoking questions.

Learners should be assigned to subgroups of 3-4 persons, and then given several debate topics.

Few examples in a Train a trainer course:
“Do we prefer frontal instruction to an alternative instruction (personalized group wise and frontal combined) in teaching a subject”
“Is Process or Product based assessment more favourable as a final examination of a certain subject”
“Simulators can be used only in the first grade to learn the basics in VET or they should be used heavily in further studies?”
“Teaching welding / painting /etc.. in a gamified way is a waste of time “

The debate teams are asked to choose and rank up to five in order of preference for the topic and to indicate preference for the debate position, either arguing in favour of, “pro,” or against the topic, “con.”
Teams are then assigned topics based either on their selected preferences or availability of topics. There supposed to be one debate per week following a traditional lecture. (The frequency can be altered as necessary) The entire debate session should last an average of 30 min each. Students may take a voluntary survey after each debate where they indicated which team they believed to have won the debate and whether the debates changed their minds about that issue.

Debate assessment
The incorporation and utility of student debates can be evaluated and assessed by team performance on the debates, individual student performance on examination questions based on the debates, and a pre- and post-debate student survey of their individual opinions about the controversial topic.
An instructor should be graded each debate and assign a team grade. The instructor can assess the slide presentation and return it to the group with suggestions for revision if it does not address the issue adequately or does not meet the course objectives. Teams can also meet with the instructor while developing their presentation for guidance.
The goal is to make sure the topic is adequately covered by the team. A team receives full credit if they include and present at least four points, has verifiable references for each point, and give a cogent concluding remark. The instructor formulates one multiple-choice question from each team's presentation that is included on either the mid-term or final exams in the course, depending on when the team debated, for a total of 26 questions on course exams.
Remarks The system is originated from colleges and adopted to in healthcare. The tool is recommended to assess skills where there are no easy answers. These skills are well founded opinion making, decision making, thoughtfulness and empathy.


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